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💐April Community Events for Glen Ellyn, Wheaton and Lombard

Katie Foss

As a lifelong resident of the great city of Chicago, I am passionate about turning my clients real estate dreams into reality...

As a lifelong resident of the great city of Chicago, I am passionate about turning my clients real estate dreams into reality...

Sep 28 6 minutes read

Spring has SPRUNG! There is so much to do in the suburbs in the Spring. Community events planned this season bring together families and promote exercise. Check out some of these fun, local get-togethers!

Glen Ellyn April 2018 Events

National Geographic LIVE: Between River and Rim, Hiking the Grand Canyon

WHEN:  Friday, April 6th | 2:00 to 4:00 PM

WHERE: McAninch Arts Center at College of DuPage | 425 Fawell Boulevard

Join writer Kevin Fedarko and filmmaker Pete McBride at the McAninch Arts Center to share the beauty and danger of the Grand Canyon. Enjoy their footage and tales of how they hiked the Canyon on foot, documenting the range’s threats and majesty. Register here.

Knockerball Bubble Soccer

WHEN:  Friday, April 6th | 6:00 to 7:00 PM

WHERE: Ackerman SFC | 800 St. Charles Road

Kids 6 to 11 are welcome to join Knockerball Chicago Soccer at the Ackerman SFC. Wear bubble suits and play soccer while knocking into you opponents. Don’t miss your chance to have some fun and play a new game! Register here.

Earth Day and Lake Ellyn Celebration

WHEN:  Sunday, April 22nd | 1:00 to 4:00 PM

WHERE: Lake Ellyn Boathouse | 645 Lenox Road

Pack a picnic lunch, take a canoe ride, listen to music, and take a guided tour of Lake Ellyn. This is a FREE event that focuses on sustainable living and ideas to keep the community green. Kayak and canoe rentals are $5 for 20 minutes. The band Majors Junction will be performing live from 2 until 3:30 PM.

Arbor Tree Planting Day

WHEN: Saturday, April 28th | 9:00 - 10:00 AM

WHERE: Ackerman Park | 800 St. Charles Road

Ages 5 and up are encouraged to join the Glen Ellyn community in celebrating Arbor Day! Take some time, plant and learn how to care for oak saplings. This is a FREE event, but participants are asked to register so that supplies can be provided. Register today!

Wheaton April 2018 Events

Week of the Young Child

WHEN: Saturday, April 14th - Friday, April 20th | Multiple Times

WHERE: Multiple Locations

 Children 8 and under are celebrated in the Week of Young Children! There will be a week of free events and programming that include dancing, sports, pottery, nature walks, music and more. There will be a FREE ice cream social on Thursday, April 19th from 6:00 to 7:30 PM. Learn more here.

Fun Run in Color 2018

WHEN: Saturday, April 14th | 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

WHERE: Memorial Park | 208 W Union Avenue

 All ages and abilities are invited to run and walk. There are four color stages and an after party with an exciting color-toss. Please note all colors are biodegradable and non-toxic. A portion of the proceeds from this event will benefit the Play for All Playground and Garden Event. Register at Wheaton Park District.

Native Plant Sale

WHEN: Saturday, April 28th | 8:30 AM - 11:00 AM

WHERE: Wheaton Public Works Building | 821 W Liberty Drive

The City, Park District and Environmental Improvement Commission of Wheaton encourage residents to put native plants in their yards and gardens this year. These plants are perfect for the city’s soil and climate. They don’t require fertilizer or irrigation. They are beautiful plants! View the plant chart.

Artistry in Wood Woodworking Show

WHEN:  Saturday and Sunday, April 28th-29th | 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM

WHERE: Cantigny Park Visitors Center | 1S151 Winfield Road

The North Suburban Carvers & Cantigny Park present a fine art exhibit of one-of-a-kind hand-crafted collectible woodcarvings, turnings, wood-burning art, ornaments and special occasion gifts from many of the Midwest’s best woodcarvers.  This event is free with a $5 parking fee.

Lombard April 2018 Events

Vintage 1920's & 1930's Fashion Show & Tea presented by the Lombard Historical Society

WHEN: Sunday, April 8th | 1:00 PM

WHERE: Lombard Lagoon | 430 Marcus Avenue

Come see the vintage women’s fashion collectors (Chloe Berg and Ruth Thomas) as they display their collection and model designs. All dresses, shoes, hats and accessories are from the 20’s and 30’s. Tickets are required, and refreshments will be served. Tickets are available here.

Springtime Tea with Mommy and Me

WHEN: Saturday, April 21st | 1:00 - 2:30 PM

WHERE: Lombard Community Building | 433 St. Charles Road

Dress up with your little one and enjoy a spot of tea! Mini sandwiches, snacks and tea will be served. A craft and mini fashion show will take place so participants can show off their tea-time finery. Register at the park district’s website.

An Afternoon with Julia Child

WHEN: Sunday, April 22nd | 3:00 PM

WHERE: Maple Street Chapel | 220 S. Main Street

Join author and storyteller Lynn Rymarz as she appears in costume as Julia Child. She will demonstrate Julia’s love for French food and cooking. She will also review Julia’s past in Paris. Tickets can be purchased two ways: here or by check via mail care of Ken Bohl, 213 Ash Street, Lombard, IL 60148-2505. Call 630.627.0171 for more information.

Selling this Spring?

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